Igniting Dreams

Hi! I’m Margie

Margie is a catalyst for healing, a life coach, and a trainer.

Margie inspires women to ignite that spark in their souls, love themselves fully, and manifest their greatest desires.

She works with individuals and organizations to help them:

  • Clarify their dream/vision
  • Clear the blocks in the way
  • Craft accelerated results
  • Create richer, more fulfilling lives

“Listen to your heart and intuition. Somehow, they already know who you are to become.” ~Steve Jobs
In 2015, I started Dream Life Ignited LLC as a coaching and healing business. I was now a DreamBuilder Coach, after 25 years in the healing profession.

Is a Dream Life Vision Necessary?

I picked “Dream Life Ignited” because when we create a dream and a vision for our lives, we act and feel that it has already manifested, hence the word “IGNITED.” Once you create it in your mind, it is done. From here on in, it is a matter of clarifying, fine-tuning, and aligning with your vision for its physical manifestation.

You have far more power and potential than you may realize. You are capable of creating a life you truly love. You are a gift, and this life that you are living is a gift.

When you and I work together, I am a partner in believing and a guide that can help you accelerate your manifestations. I evoke the best in you and give you the mindset tools you need to create the results you desire again and again.

I love hearing the sweet sound when clients say

“I Did it, I Love My Life!””

What’s even better is to know that they love themselves, and who they have become in the process. What would you love to experience? Imagine living the life you love. What would that look like to you? What would that feel like to you? Who would you have to become? What would you have to let go of?

Fall in love with the process of becoming
the very best version of yourself.
-Mary Morrissey

My Expertise



On a Personal Note…

I love people, family, friends, dogs…
nature, sunrises, sunsets, mountains, oceans, beaches…
good food, travel, music, laughter, and hiking on a trail with my Golden Retriever.

On a personal note…

I love people, family, friends, dogs…
nature, sunrises, sunsets, mountains, oceans, beaches…
good food, travel, music, laughter, and hiking on a trail with my Golden Retriever.

Thirty minutes before sunrise

is the most powerful time of the day.

Visions & Dreams Begin in your Wonderful Imagination

When I started my coaching training in 2014-2015, one of the first things we did in our training was write a vision. One thing I imagined in the relationships part of my vision was expanding my circle of close friends.

In my vision, I wrote about these new friends who were kind people with positive attitudes, loved to laugh, have idea-oriented conversations, enjoy Italian food, travel, dance, and love fun! I IMAGINED the feeling tone of it as if it were happening now.

Six months after writing the vision, I was at a professional event, the “Concord Conversations” in Concord, MA, where I met three amazing women and manifested that friend relationship component of my vision. Heidi, one of my three new friends said she knew of a great Italian restaurant in the area. She lived in Massachusetts, had her car, and said she would be happy to drive all of us. What were the odds? Most of us flew in from various locations in the United States, and nobody knew the area.

This might seem like an insignificant coincidence for many people, but we all saw the magic in it. This is how this stuff works!

Heidi, Susan, Tina, and I enjoyed great Italian food, laughed, talked about our love of travel, and had idea-oriented conversations. We have stayed friends to this day. We didn’t make that happen, but surely invited it to happen. It was a beautiful co-creation.

Heidi, Susan, Tina, and I enjoyed great Italian food, laughed, talked about our love of travel, and had idea-oriented conversations. We have stayed friends to this day. We didn’t make that happen, but surely invited it to happen. It was a beautiful co-creation.

A few years ago, my Golden Retriever, Lulu was just a pup. We were staying at a motel in Boulder, across from this creek. We drove from city to city, place to place, trying to get a feel for the right place to live. I discovered that what I wanted was right here. We had “landed” in the perfect spot.

A few years ago, my Golden Retriever, Lulu was just a pup. We were staying at a motel in Boulder, across from this creek. We drove from city to city, place to place, trying to get a feel for the right place to live. I discovered that what I wanted was right here. We had “landed” in the perfect spot.

This is your chance to become human,

not just a brand

Living life’s magic. Bali, a dream fulfilled.

Life is supposed to be fun!
Bali, Indonesia